Admassu Tadesse, President & CEO, PTA BANK
Mr. Tadesse is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Tadesse served as a top executive for 10 years at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) where he was responsible for international finance and investment, as well as corporate strategy. Much earlier in his career, he served in various management and technical capacities with specialized UN agencies.
Mr. Tadesse is the vice-chairman of the Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) and a member of the Institute of Bankers and the Institute of Directors of Southern Africa. He serves on several international boards and trust funds.
An Economist and Banker, Mr. Tadesse qualified at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Wits Business School and the University of Western Ontario. He also trained in advanced management and banking at Harvard Business School and INSEAD.