Philip Sakwa- Group Head of Human Resources, CSquared

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Philip Sakwa

Group Head of Human Resources, CSquared


Philip Sakwa is the Group Head of HR of CSquared. Philip has 10 years’ experience in a hi-tech environment, after this time, he thought that he had mastered the art of dealing with millennials, but he states that he has come to a realisation that every day is a learning curve in this world.

Philip has a career spanning over almost 20 years, working in media, transport, government, banking and hi-tech. He is a change driver and has successfully steered various changes that includes mergers and acquisitions, organisational structure alignment and in his current role, he is transitioning a Google-incubated company to become a fully independent pan-African hi-tech player.

Philip has a passion in mentoring younger professionals in focusing their careers. He is also a counsellor and in his spare time, focuses on teens in vulnerable environments.